Reports from LifeNets-Sponsored "Light of Love" Mission in Ukraine for Street Children and Orphans

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Since 2001 LifeNets has helped many children, some street children, others orphans. Some come from dysfunctiaonal abusive familes. Some some from large poor familes that are not properly supported by their parents. It has given us great joy at LifeNets to make a difference in the budding lives of these youngsters and help steer some very troubled children towards a decent adulthood. Some of the children that we have worked with 15 years ago have gone on to college, technical school, have gotten married and have children of their own. Again, it gives us joy to know that we had a part in these successes.

Light of Love founder Vasyl Polichko shares these reports along with photos taken during the summer of 2015 in this report.


Christian Religious Brotherhood"Light of Love"
90300 m. Vynohradiv, Transcarpathian region.,
Stancionnaja 9 Street
tel. (Mob.) 050 104 11 92; 050 966 43 88

February 9, 2016
Victor Kubik

Report on our charity 

Christian religious brotherhood "Light of Love".

Christian religious Brotherhood "Light of Love" started its charitable activities in 1991, since the formation of a sovereign Ukraine. The mission of the included: distribution of humanitarian aid for the poor, distributing Christian literature and evangelistic programs in public places. During the evangelistic activity the children showed the greatest interest and hence we dedicated our activities to children.
With God's blessing in 1996, we organized a children's Bible lessons, where children studied the Word of God and received free meals.

In 2003, the Brotherhood of "Light of Love" opened a soup kitchen for feeding orphans and other children from socially disadvantaged families. Many thanks to God and brother Victor Kubik, who together with the charity fund «LifeNets» supported our project.

In 2007, the Brotherhood of "Light of Love” opened a family-style children's home, where eight orphans live presently who are deprived of parental care.  These are now attending schools:  Joseph, Andrew and Yonchi enrolled in college, Peter - in vocational school, Ivan - at school 11th grade, George - in high school grade 9, Adalbert – in grade six and Sergey  in grade 5.

For physical health, during the summer holidays we took all seven on an excursion to the Black Sea.
The Brotherhood also helps children to spiritual development. Every Saturday children with us participating in worship and youth also go to worship in other Christian communities.

In the spring of 2014 we were with their children to Christian youth conference in Germany. The children were happy, talked with young people in other countries and saw a lot of interesting things.

In August 2015 we went to a Christian youth camp in Poland. God has blessed us and we returned home satisfied and happy.

At the end of August the government arranged a short stay of two boys (Roman - 5 years, Nikita - 6 years) from annexed Crimea. They have lived here for almost four months. During this time the boys have learned to memory the Lord’s Prayer,  sang Christian songs with us, recited poems. After that, they were adopted.
In addition to all that is written above, the Christian Brotherhood holds free Christian recreational camps for orphans, disabled children and children from poor families.

In the summer of 2015 for two weeks we took care of more than 50 children. We want the children to be well both physically and spiritually. For physical refreshing for the children in the camp we provided five meals and snacks a day for balanced nutrition. We conducted physical games and exercises, every day outings, bathing in the river Tissa. For the spiritual health of the children we hold daily Bible lessons, where children study the Bible, sing songs in Ukrainian, Russian and English and pray. Some biblical lesson reserved for singing and Bible study in English.  Volunteers from the United States came to teach English successfully. 

The Brotherhood "Light of Love" is very, very grateful to all who participated in this charitable cause. May

God bless you for your good work.


Chairman Brotherhood "Light of Love"
Vasyl Polichko

November 10, 2014

The Religious Christian Brotherhood "Light of Love" provides this report  about our charity, which continues to the present.

In the soup kitchen we provide free lunches for orphans, the poor and others who are particularly in need.
In the summer of 2014. Brotherhood held a children's recreation camp for children in the above categories and also the disabled. The dates were June 30, 2014-July 13, 2014. During this time children had active recreation, five meals daily, various sports, daily tours and swimming in the river.

The goal of  the Brotherhood are programs for the improvement of children not only physically but also spiritually. Every day Bible lessons were conducted for the children. English lesson conducted aby those from the United States (Oleh Kubik, Colin Kubik and Michala Lockwood).  Alyona Muravyova a worker at the Brotherhood who is studying in the fifth year at the university (international languages - English) also taught children to sing songs and biblical passages in English.  Ukrainian language Bible lessons were conducted workers by Vasyl Basil and Polichko.  Songs were performed and music by Vasya Tomashchuk.  Artur Aleksandrov also came from Estonia and was our guest and participated in the program of the camp.

Children who are residing permanently in the care of Brotherhood "Light of Love", are also involved in physical socially useful work, with parents involved in home gardening land, helping to repair the house, which was purchased for them, help preserve fruits and vegetables for the winter. Preparing for full-scale independent life.

Brotherhood of "Light of Love" would like to thank all of you who supported us financially and spiritually in this charitable cause.

Let the Lord reward you for your concern and care in good deeds.

Chairman Brotherhood
Vasyl Polichko
